All bullies are actually cowards.  The world is full of people trying to feel strong and powerful by abusing others, but if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of bullying, you know the real truth.  Anyone who lashes out and treats others cruelly is desperately trying to feel powerful, but is actually a coward at heart.

Bullying is a sad attempt to make oneself feel powerful at the sake of others, but it actually reveals what one really thinks of themselves.  No one who is established in their own power abuses anyone else.

This is true of all forms of bullying, including petty name-calling, telling lies about others, making fun of someone’s perceived weaknesses, or other juvenile behaviors that we see all around us these days.  I encourage you to see all of this for what it is: A true sign of weakness.

How sad it is to see someone attempt to feel better about themselves by making fun of others.  Most of us grow past this in junior high, if not before.  Even sadder is to see some of our fellow citizens interpret this bullying as strength. Again, no one who is truly centered in their own healthy power and personhood treats others cruelly, and those who are balanced in their own power see this behavior for what it is: true weakness, no matter how it may appear on the surface.

I try to look away from the pain and weakness of this behavior and focus on those showing real strength: essential workers quietly doing their work, good people showing kindness, the marginalized and abused who move forward with dignity in the face of the bully’s attempts to intimidate.  Look at these true heroes, and the bully shrivels in comparison.

Real strength is found in kindness, in being one’s true authentic self, supporting all those around us, and embracing the power of the diversity of our society.  Remember that anyone who uses their megaphone to intimidate and bully is actually a coward at heart.  We can know better, and we can be examples of strength through kindness.

Tim Hinton

October 14, 2020

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