About Gary Rupert

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So far Gary Rupert has created 67 blog entries.

Today’s Task – February 4, 2022

Today’s Task - February 1, 2022 I remember the experience like it was yesterday.  As I walked into the Assistant Principal’s office, he was sitting there waving a piece of paper in the air.  “What is this, he asked?”  I explained that it was a referral due to the student’s ongoing behavior.  I told him [...]

2022-02-04T18:37:06-05:00By |Categories: LCL Today's Tasks|

Today’s Task – January 25, 2022

Today’s Task - January 25, 2022 I am not so naive to think that whatever success I had with my bands was all ME!  In my 40 years as an educator I was blessed to have a number of bright, talented people working with my students as support staff.  Perhaps….well okay, not perhaps….the greatest indicator [...]

2022-01-28T13:57:26-05:00By |Categories: LCL Today's Tasks|

Today’s Task – January 20, 2022

Today’s Task - January 17, 2022 Over the years, I have had the good fortune to be invited to serve as a guest conductor for numerous concert bands and jazz ensembles.  This past weekend I had the opportunity to do so again, but this was my first time with a middle school group.  I was [...]

2022-01-20T14:01:51-05:00By |Categories: LCL Today's Tasks|

Today’s Task – January 13, 2022

Today’s Task- January 10, 2022 I recently watched a video clip of a lady playing the role of a teacher AND the administrator who is wondering where her lesson plans are.  The teacher explains that her prep time is being taken to cover for other teachers to which the administrator responds, “Yes, but where are [...]

2022-01-13T14:27:13-05:00By |Categories: LCL Today's Tasks|

Today’s Task – January 3, 2022

Today’s Task - January 3, 2022 For many, the New Year is a time for new beginnings.  Resolutions are made to eat less and exercise more, to talk less and listen more, or perhaps take less and give more.  All well intentioned ideals that, too often, never get accomplished to the degree to which we [...]

2022-01-06T14:45:38-05:00By |Categories: LCL Today's Tasks|

Today’s Task – December 6, 2021

Today’s Task - December 6, 2021 Many people see problems and shake their heads.  They experience adversity and throw up their hands.  They look at challenges and ask “Why?” ….not seeking a solution, just venting frustration.  When they encounter problems, they see no possibilities.  They become victims of negative circumstances and cannot help themselves or [...]

2021-12-10T12:43:55-05:00By |Categories: LCL Today's Tasks|

Today’s Task – December 2, 2021

Today’s Task - December 2, 2021 What would happen if every student acted like your dream student?  What would happen if each of your classes acted like your dream class?  What would your world look like if your students acted like everything and everyone mattered?  What could happen to your band if your student’s approached [...]

2021-12-10T12:42:21-05:00By |Categories: LCL Today's Tasks|

Today’s Task – November 26, 2021

Today’s Task - November 24, 2021 In a recent news broadcast there was a story of a college football player who, following his game, was seen helping the stadium crew clean up the trash left in the stands.  When asked about it, he said he does it to keep his life in perspective.  Legendary UCLA [...]

2021-11-28T18:34:01-05:00By |Categories: LCL Today's Tasks|

Today’s Task – November 18, 2021

Today’s Task - November 16, 2021 NFL Coach Andy Reid has a vision of the type of player he wants on his teams.  He is not seduced by a player’s athleticism, if he is a person of bad character.  In the NFL’s competitive environment, it takes great discipline to think this way.  Reid has been [...]

2021-11-18T16:07:06-05:00By |Categories: LCL Today's Tasks|

Today’s Task – November 11, 2021

Today’s Task - November 11, 2021 In the past couple of weeks I have seen a number of postings from band directors applauding their student’s efforts in end-of-the-year marching contests.  I love that they do that.  Interestingly, however, these posts are typically of programs that have done well in these contests.  You rarely, if ever, [...]

2021-11-18T16:06:48-05:00By |Categories: LCL Today's Tasks|
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