Band Director Videos, Webinars, and Podcasts
Virtual Learning and Rehearsals for Marching Band
Kyle Young, Chris Kreke, and Matt Black show you what technology to use, how to maximize instruction time, and how to deal with leadership and social-emotional needs of your students.
895: Saving Time When Planning Your Visual Show
Save time and headaches when planning your visual show with smart choices and procedures shared by Jeremy Spicer and Jason Robb.
893: Making An Existing Show Your Own
Frank Sullivan shares great advice on how to get help making a stock show into something original that fits your group perfectly.
892: Easier and Safer Transport with a Better Trailer
Drew Taylor of Clubhouse Trailers shares advice on how to move all your stuff in a safer, more efficient manner.
Keep It Simple: 10 Ways to Improve your Marching Program
Evan VanDoren joins Jason Robb to share 10 simple ways to improve your program right away!
It Doesn’t Count Unless – ENTIRE SERIES
A video series from Matt Harloff in coordination with the Inside the Circle Method Books written by Matt & Ben Harloff. PURCHASE THE ENTIRE SERIES, 9 VIDEOS IN ALL, FOR ALMOST 1/2 THE REGULAR PRICE! ONLY $9.95 FOR MEMBERS, $24.95 FOR NON-MEMBERS
890: Creating Change as a Drum Major
Daniel Belcher explains how to most effectively create change from a leadership position.
889: Designing for Safety this Fall
Michael Gaines, Michael Rosales, and Dr. Elliot Cleveland share practical advice and concepts you can use to plan smarter and adjust your show to keep your students safe.
887: Stories from the Shutdown, Pt. 2
Keith Kelly speaks to us from Ireland and Neil Landini talks about the process of dealing with the shutdown.
Teaching Percussion From The Podium
As conductors we need to use the same listening skills to evaluate percussion students as we do wind students. Percussion students should be held to the same tone quality standards as wind players and spoken to the same.