Take One Small Step

Directors are often in an overworked, overwhelmed state.  The job is so demanding and asks the director to juggle so many plates at once that it’s easy to feel like one is simply hanging on and barely getting through.  So if someone suggests you add one more task, no matter how important, it can seem impossible to even consider.

On a recent webinar, Jeff Jones discussed that many directors know they need to begin a well-planned leadership training program, but they simply can’t imagine where to start or how to find the time.  It can feel overwhelming.  But Jeff’s very smart advice is to do one small thing toward this goal.

Student leaders who are well taught and trained can actually make a director’s life much easier.  They can take on responsibilities that free up the director to focus on larger, more important tasks and goals.  So the time one might take to work toward this goal is time well spent in the long run.  Just take that first small step.

Taking one small step is not new advice.  We have all heard that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.  This is truth.  So rather than looking at the top of the mountain you’re trying to climb, look at the next step forward on the ground right in front of you.

This is true of anything in life.  The enormity of any new endeavor can easily overwhelm and make us just give up before we start.  But taking one small step is something we can always do, right now, no matter how busy or stressed we feel.

Trying to get in shape?  Take a short walk after dinner.  Take a walk to the mailbox.  Take a walk around your living.  Simply get up during commercials and walk a bit.  Every step forward starts the process.  Trying to eat better?  Start with one snack during your day and make a better choice.  Purchase some healthier choices and have them in plain view so that when the time times, you make that selection.  Use a smaller plate to place your food on.  Take one small step in the right direction.  They DO add up.

If I asked you if you could do 100 pushups, you. might say no.  But you’re wrong.  ANYONE can do 100 pushups.  You might do 5 now, then 5 more in 30 minutes, then 4 more a little later…..until it adds up to 100.  You CAN do this.

Take time to plan and create goals, then also write down the one small step you will take toward that goal.  Download a webinar or podcast to listen to as you walk around the block, or sign up for that course that you know will benefit you.  You can work at your own pace, in you own spare time.  Take 15 minutes today, 20 tomorrow, and before you know it you’ve learned valuable information to improve your skills, your teaching,  your group, and your life.  Sign up for that membership to have compelete access, then take those small steps toward a better you.  We’re here to help, and we believe in you!

Take that one step today.

Tim Hinton
April 4, 2021

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