Beast Blog: The Right Amount of Energy

As I am practicing toward my upcoming martial arts evaluation, I have found that I think a lot about the energy I am using as I do a form. The concept of using "the right amount of energy for each moment" was something I learned from Shirley Dorritie, and this has revolutionized my thinking and really improved my martial arts.

2021-06-17T16:04:31-04:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |

Beast Blog: If You’re Too Good For Your Job, Prove It

Many people are frustrated with their work and feel they are "too good for their job." I often surprise them by telling them I believe them! They are probably right. But the next question is..."Why does everyone not see this in your work?" If you think you're too good for your job, you probably are, but the way to get out of a job you don't love is TO GET INTO IT! Do the job so well that the universe will have to move you out of it.

2021-05-28T07:44:51-04:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |
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