Matt Harloff – Staying Motivated / Avoiding Burnout

Have you found yourself burning-out from the intensive band training year-round? Performers and instructors are both at risk, but Matt Harloff of Avon HS and Carolina Crown has a plan to keep you and your students motivated through the Winds season. Stay fresh and excited for your winter with this webinar. Topics include overcoming a "slump," keep learning, visit another school, have hobbies, do something different, and take vacations!

Matt Harloff & Michael Klesch: Make The Learning Process More Efficient

Matt Harloff and Michael Klesch return for the second in a series "Inside The Circle" where they share great advice helpful as school begins!  Insider tips include preparing music correctly for students to save time in rehearsal, strategies to get students comfortable with the music faster, and suggestions on techniques for adjusting parts and teaching efficiently.

Inside the Circle: How it all Starts

One of the most important parts to building a successful marching program happens BEFORE you play the first note.  Join Michael Klesch and Matt Harloff as they not only look back at the very beginning of CrownBRASS, but also the importance os starting out each and every marching season.  Learn the Klesch/Harloff methods to attention to detail that can help your students raise their level of expectation that can transfer to the marching field.

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