A Marching Arts Education Membership pays for itself almost immediately! All of these videos are free for members. Starting at $3.99/month you can get access to all of them. https://marchingartseducation.com/membership/

Matt Harloff – Staying Motivated / Avoiding Burnout

Have you found yourself burning-out from the intensive band training year-round? Performers and instructors are both at risk, but Matt Harloff of Avon HS and Carolina Crown has a plan to keep you and your students motivated through the Winds season. Stay fresh and excited for your winter with this webinar. Topics include overcoming a "slump," keep learning, visit another school, have hobbies, do something different, and take vacations!

Clif Walker – “Real Ears”

Designers and instructors are often spoiled and deceived by computer programs/mp3s that tunnel into our ears for months and slowly bias us to what we are REALLY hearing in actual time. We discuss a few ways to avoid this common trap, including consultants, video feedback, record rehearsal audio, virtual clinics, and bringing in "strangers" with good ears.

2020-01-25T16:33:30-05:00By |Categories: Courses, Free for Members, Marching Arts Education|
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