This contemporary show is an original composition which utilizes “Claire de Lune” along with melodies from “Westminster Chimes” and “Carol of the Bells.”
This contemporary show is an original composition which utilizes “Claire de Lune” along with melodies from “Westminster Chimes” and “Carol of the Bells.”
This contemporary and innovative take on Bizet's famous score is wildly energetic and full of lush harmonies and surprises.
Filled with famous Classical melodies that have huge audience appeal and recognition, this show includes everything from Grieg to the Can-Can!
An original composition in two movements, based on "Ode to Joy," "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," "Dies Irae" and the "Verdi Requiem."
Five movements from the classic Elgar score, including the unsurpassed “Nimrod” ballad.
The music of Beethoven comes alive in this innovative and contemporary production.
Original Music displays the characteristics of each type of card: Diamonds fanfare, mysterious Spades, romantic Hearts, jazzy Clubs and the Joker!
The classic Spanish composition by Turina is re-thought for the field! A sophisticated take on a Spanish show.
This exquisite through-composed composition based on Ralph Vaughan-Williams' tuneful "London Symphony" is one of my all-time favorite shows.
Here's an innovative contemporary spin on the classic melodies that audiences know and love. This production is loaded with musical effects, surprises with some mixed meters, and even includes New Age and Latin sounds!