323: Composers Series- Robert W. Smith
The popular and prolific composer talks about his process, his most popular pieces, and writing for young groups.
The popular and prolific composer talks about his process, his most popular pieces, and writing for young groups.
Scott Radock talks about his famous percussion family and adventures as a drummer.
All about our favorite shows and important trends in the activity. With Matt Verburg, Bryan Harmsen, Paul Weber, and Joe Allison
Ways to improve your band and your own teaching skills. Â With Greg Basham and Trey Harris.
After talking about how money can determine competitive success, we share smart ideas to make this matter less.
We discuss whether a program can be truly successful without great resources, plus share smart ideas to make this matter less.
Great stories of this historic corps as they head into their 60th season. With Larry Visconti, Kevin Hassan, David Hobart, and Bill Sapienza
How the right concepts and philosophy of teaching creates more excellence in the marching arena.
All about this new performance opportunity coming next year. With Ron Nankervis, Bart Woodley, Todd Tucker, and Greg Basham
Perhaps our most helpful design tip ever! Get inspired and find unexpected directions for your show idea.Â