Episode 225: Composers Series- Frank Ticheli
The energy and passion of the renowned composer's music are evident in the man himself as he talks about his process of composing.
The energy and passion of the renowned composer's music are evident in the man himself as he talks about his process of composing.
We continue our conversation, focusing on issues around arranging for marching groups.
Jeni Paulson and Daniel Montoya, Jr. discuss issues around copyright and the sense of entitlement.
The Host Team discusses why these exist and how to include them artistically.
George Hopkins shares stories of the creation of the 2000 championship show.
Thom Hannum and Jon Vanderkolff talk about designing and teaching this groundbreaking show.
DCI's Executive Director talks about contests, tours, cinema events, and SoundSport in China.
Scott Hickey and Dr. Joe Allison discuss this philosophy of arranging and judging, plus evaluating your ensemble.
The popular composer talks about his process of composing, his favorite pieces, and having his music performed on the field.
Tim Allen shares advice on selecting music, making changes to the show, and instruments in the pit.