Free Content – Start Learning2019-10-02T17:43:39-04:00

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Latrice Royale

By |June 5th, 2019|Categories: ColorGuardEDU, Courses, Free, Marching Arts Education|Tags: , |

Latrice Royale, one of the most-loved queens from Rupaul's Drag Race, is legendary for using Color Guard in her performances!  Latrice and guest Tim Lee discuss her guard background and her use of color guard in her shows, plus answer questions from fans!

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Entering the Rapids: Navigating the First Year of Teaching

By |July 15th, 2021|Categories: Courses, Free, Marching Arts Education, Video|Tags: , , |

Kate Demonica and Neeraja Chandrasekharan discuss challenges they face as they transition from being college music education majors to professional educators and how mentorship and mindful activities have helped them make that transition happen much more smoothly. 

Entering the Rapids: Navigating the First Year of Teaching

Kate Demonica and Neeraja Chandrasekharan discuss challenges they face as they transition from being college music education majors to professional educators and how mentorship and mindful activities have helped them make that transition happen much more smoothly. 

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