LIVE CONVERSATION: Tuesday, April 22 at 7:00 pm eastern time on ZOOM

Loving Midlife 6: The Spiritual Life

Join Tim Hinton and Dr. Mary White for a live conversation on Zoom about Learning to Love Midlife.   USE THIS LINK TO JOIN ON APRIL 8

“I’m here to be me, which is taking a great deal longer than I had hoped.” – Anne Lamott (Chapter 12). Conley says that we live horizontally, then begin to live vertically.  Reaching upward to consider our soul and give ourselves grace can be a real gift of reaching this time in our lives.  “Growing and aging are the same thing.”  I can get excited about that!  Join the conversation.

The Process: NO Need to register!  Just use this link to join the ZOOM CALL that night.

See ALL Conversations in this series LOVING MIDLIFE

Find the book Learning to Love Midlife on Amazon