Drill Writers Master Class 3

FREE FOR MEMBERS: Price will change to $0.00 at Checkout. BECOME A MEMBER

YOU can have the career you want!  We show you how to create your count sheet, meet with the design staff, chart the first page, and make smart choices as you’re writing! Choosing the right intervals, smarter transitions, insider tips, shortcuts, and more.  SIX Hours of great ideas and helpful information!


All drill writers watching the class are encouraged to do all assignments and we will have open sharing and discussions on the Facebook Group page.


  • Watch Bob create the first 78 counts of drill, with a complete explanation of the choices made and their implications
  • We will see the first half of the drill created by the featuredt students and Bob will critique and discuss their choices, live on camera
  • Assignment: Adjust your existing charts and complete the entire opener.

You can access the videos by clicking on the links at the bottom of the page (after sign-in).

1-Transitional Techniques
2-Bob’s Drill
3- Featured Student: Jason Robb
4 – Featured Student: Patrick Baldwin
5-Staging Small Bands / Front Sideline
6-Featured Student: Jason Pitner