Beast Blog: Begin To Weave

Often we want to make changes in our life, be more successful, learn new things, and begin new journeys. But the scope of the task can be intimidating and paralyzing. There is an old German proverb: "Begin to weave and God will give the thread."

2022-04-22T15:25:37-04:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |

Beast Blog: Years Later, I Understand

One of the advantages of having been on this planet for a good while is that you gain perspective that can be very helpful. I tend to over-react less, stop and think more, and often remember something from my past that calms me down. And I also look back and realize all the times that I didn't understand something initially, only to finally "get it" later.

2022-04-15T11:50:14-04:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |

Beast Blog: Sharing Joy

It has been thrilling to watch the performances in Dayton this week at the WGI Color Guard World Championships. There seems to be an extra sense of joy and appreciation as the guards are performing. We all need more joy right now.  Let's all soak up every bit of joy that is being offered.

2022-04-09T06:32:39-04:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |
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