Beast Blog: Be Uncomfortable

"Only as you are uncomfortable can you grow." All growth and change can be uncomfortable, but I have found in my own experience that being stagnant or stuck is terrible also. Not working on fixing problems in my life is also painful. I choose to grow.

2022-03-05T10:33:12-05:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |

Beast Blog: I Get Emotional

The creative process is a fascinating thing. I am always appreciative when I'm flooded with ideas and inspiration from the universe. I especially love those moments when I realize that I'm onto something that could be really wonderful.

2022-02-11T10:37:26-05:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |

Beast Blog: The Great Escape

There have been many losses and frustrations during the shutdown of the past two years, and I have missed traveling and adventures out in the world.  However I have found solace and comfort in many things at home, including learning to bake and reading.  I've always loved to read, and I find myself relishing every moment I now spend with a good book.

2022-02-03T07:43:11-05:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |

Beast Blog: Find Your Joy and Share It

One of the things we all love the most about the marching arts is experiencing the joy of the performers participating. We strive to teach our members to reach a level where they can feel mastery of their show and really "perform" for us. We love when they share their joy with us.

2022-01-28T09:18:12-05:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |

Beast Blog: Living with Ambiguity

When will our activity fully be back to the old normal? We cannot know, and likely it never will. We all need tools to adopt to these changes and find ways to grieve and also accept the situation. But we can find a way to thrive and find joy even in this newness.

2022-01-13T09:54:48-05:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |
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