Beast Blog: Don’t Let Your Tribe Be Your Identity

There was a time when I thought of myself as a band director, and that was mostly it.  I knew I had other interests, but I was a band director in my thinking most of my day.  There came a time when I realized that I needed to spend more time away from that one passion, and that this would ultimately make me a better educator.

2022-01-07T15:42:20-05:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |

Beast Blog: The Perils of Hyperdesign

I always hate it when the performers in a show get lost in the design.  Great design lifts the performers up, giving them a vehicle to shine.  But sometimes a show can suffocate the performers, or perhaps even attempt to mask a lack of skills and basic training.  It can be exciting to look at, but we can all tell when a show is all dessert and no vegetables.

2022-01-03T07:55:34-05:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |

Beast Blog: Telling Stories

Today marks the last day that I will appear on live broadcasts with BOX5-TV this season. It's been thrilling and exhausting. I'm so appreciative of the opportunity to help share these stories and to make our brand at MAE more visible to more people in our activity.

2021-11-13T07:21:25-05:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |

Beast Blog: Stamina

Early in my career when I was a band director I used to get a cold at the end of each marching season. I would run myself ragged and then finally collapse when the season was over. I was really proud when I stopped this pattern and learned to take care of myself so that this no longer happened each year.

2021-10-30T07:35:55-04:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |
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