Beast Blog: Ghost Stories

Many people love ghost stories, scary movies, and tales of the paranormal.  It can be fun to be scared, and fun to imagine that a spirit is watching us as we tour an old mansion.  And most everyone loves Halloween!

2022-06-24T03:15:18-04:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |

Beast Blog: Living Disconnected

Imagine living with no smart phone, no computer, no email, and no car. I encountered someone living this life today and they were in great distress. I found myself full of empathy for this person trying to make their way in a world that requires these things.

2022-06-15T18:17:18-04:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |

Beast Blog: A Great Show Is A Miracle

At one point in my life I was very critical of marching productions, always seeing the flaws and poor design choices. But as I've gotten more experience, and especially as I've had 11 years of podcast and webinar conversations, I've learned to look at it all differently.

2022-06-10T12:13:49-04:00By |Categories: Beast Blog|Tags: |
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