Mike Jackson- Doing It Yourself / Finding Your Voice

Mike Jackson of Broken City and the Blue Knights shows you how to find your voice within the design process. Topics include Design Methods and Choices, How to Present an Idea to a Director, How to be Inspired, Overcoming Writer's Block, Inspiration for Musical Motifs, and Mike's Process of Creating Music and Visual.

2019-11-27T10:12:05-05:00By |Categories: Courses, Free, Marching Arts Education|Tags: , , |

Maximizing Time In Your Rehearsal

Learn from experienced educators and designers in the activity on how to maximize time in your rehearsal and get the most out of your staff and members.  Shane Gwaltney, Tom Aungst, and Joe Hobbs discuss using technology for planning, routines in rehearsals, how to divide up time in a rehearsal, running a rehearsal by yourself, and using the metronome.

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