966: WGI Color Guard Rewatch- Skylarks
Mickey Kelly and Jeff Namian share behind the scenes stores from one of the top guards in the early years of WGI.
Mickey Kelly and Jeff Namian share behind the scenes stores from one of the top guards in the early years of WGI.
We look back at the wildly successful Cavaliers comp guard that won three titles in a row in the 80’s.
Jeremy Williams, Michael Lombo, and Bobbey Biddle discuss “Beyond the Rainbow,” a masterpiece of design with world class performances that appeared effortless.
Michelle Adcock and four friends discuss “Letting Go,” a tour de force of subtlety and ensemble.
Michael James, Rick Subel, and KC Michel discuss this very musical and beautifully staged production.
Irving Lopez and friends discuss the all-male guard which performed one of the most memorable movement sequences in WGI history.