Testimonials about The Dynamic Marching Band Book
“The Dynamic Marching Band is a thorough text covering every aspect of how to lead a successful marching band within a comprehensive band program. Written by a BOA Hall of Famer and educator extraordinaire, this book is an absolute must for every marching band director and aspiring music education major.”
“I have been using The Dynamic Marching Band by Wayne Markworth for many years as a text book for my Marching Band Techniques Class at the University of Indianapolis. The book is loaded with great information from cover to cover, all of which young music educators should know prior to embarking upon their careers. It’s all there! Topics including leadership, band program focus, warmups, rehearsal etiquette, band parents, show design, to my favorite: how to avoid “band director burn out,” and oh so much more! It is indeed the quintessential book from which to catapult great lessons and valuable class room discussions.”

“The Wind Section chapter offers some incredible ideas for rehearsal suggestions, information on fundamentals as well as some great insight on approach & philosophy. This book is one of many incredible marching band resources written by directors for band directors and when the author is Wayne Markworth, you really cannot go wrong.”
In “The Dynamic Marching Band” Wayne has catalogued and described his lifetime of experience leading one of the finest high school band programs in the nation! In its balance of the philosophical and practical, I have found it to be an INVALUABLE resource for my Marching Band Techniques classes, a great recommendation to seasoned directors, and have incorporated countless elements in my own teaching.
Wayne has done a service to our profession by creating this book and the companion website which is filled with materials ready to “plug and play” for use in ones own program. A truly great resource, written by a band director who “walked the walk” as Director of Bands at Centerville and continues to be a leader in our activity today!
“The book looks great! A complete and comprehensive guide for getting your act together!”
“If ever anyone was destined to assemble a comprehensive resource for the High School Marching Band Program, it would be Wayne Markworth. The depth of his experience, achievement, and worldview all give him a pedigree unique to the contemporary marching arts. It is rare to encounter and educator who is, at once: imaginative, organized, insightful, thorough, and disciplined. All those adjectives are necessary for a successful marching band program. Certainly, his legendary program at Centerville High School is a testament to these values and more – it was done “the right way!”
Wayne has made good use of state-of-the-art features in this Edition. The format and content make the work a “living text” useful for undergraduate MB courses, graduate study, and as an indispensable reference for Instructors, Designers, and Students. It is a real honor for me to endorse this outstanding work from a friend, colleague, and role-model. Anyone experiencing this material will add to their knowledge of, and appreciation for the 21st Century Marching Band!”
Wayne Markworth has written a book that is the culmination of over 35 years of incredibly successful teaching. It is an invaluable tool for the novice band director as well as the seasoned veteran. Wayne has constructed honest and compelling passages about virtually every aspect of life as a band director. It is rare to find an easy to read, highly informative collection of helpful hints and creative ideas in one text. As I have perused the book, I am “stealing” so many great ideas during the 28th year of my own career as a band director that I almost feel guilty! My only complaint is that I did not have the book as a young band director.
Wayne covers every aspect of the complex responsibilities required of the successful music educator in today’s academic setting. The attention to detail is superb!
This book is an incredibly valuable tool and one that should be in every band director’s library! Wayne is famous for constantly reminding his students and colleagues to “Be Your Best!” If you want to be your best, own this book.
“The information in this book is something I wish I would have had access to in the beginning of my career. Wayne’s wisdom speaks from many years at the elite levels of the marching band activity. His approach to a successful marching band program is the benchmark to which I assess my own program’s progress.”
As a first year teacher, this book on Marching Band was extremely helpful in preparing for a very organized and successful season as a first year Band Director.
I highly recommend this book for all first year directors! I used Wayne Markworth’s book for rehearsal preparation, which provided me with the motivation and confidence for very enriching and successful rehearsals. My students and I have greatly benefited from the priceless information found in this book. From assistance with fundamentals to rehearsal structure, this book was a great asset to my first year as a band director.
“The book looks great. So many things that I have learned by trial and error, mostly error! All written out! My student teacher thought it to be very enlightening. I wish you much success with it and I already do highly recommend it to anyone, not just young teachers. The layout is logical and beneficial.”
I was so impressed with the comprehensive nature of your text and the timelessness of the information that it is now one of two text books required in my Secondary Instrumental Music Methods course here at UNCP. The marching band techniques segment of the course will of course benefit from this text, and actually I am sure there will be numerous “carry over” segments of the book that can benefit our students in studying administrative tasks, organizational skills, educational philosophy, musicianship, etc, etc. Again, thanks for putting it in a concise and easy to follow text, the steps to a great band program, Marching or Other! This text will help new instrumental music educators avoid numerous problems and pitfalls, as well as “fill in the gaps” for the seasoned professional!