I voted today!  It was exciting to cast my ballot because I feel so much is at stake in this election — in many different ways, but especially for gays and lesbians.

I've been doing some canvassing, going door to door and meeting many people I would never normally encounter.  Through this process I've learned a lot about them and myself.

I actually was embarrassed when I realized that I was very nervous visiting an impoverished neighborhood…when later everyone turned out to be very kind to me.  It helped me relax when I found that many people smiled when they opened the door and saw my Obama T-shirt, but I'd like to think my friendly smile and snappy haircut didn't hurt either.

What I've discovered is that for many people, just showing up to vote is a major undertaking and, in many ways, a true act of courage.  At one home the Hispanic man I spoke with was very excited about voting, but when I encouraged him to vote early, his face fell and his demeanor changed.  He told me, speaking softly, that he was not sure he could do that.  He explained that many times he and his family and friends were treated badly and questioned roughly about their eligibility to vote.  Of course, his point was that his skin color, accent, and heritage made him a target for bad treatment from certain of his fellow Americans who might be running polling stations.  I tried to reassure him that if he had his ID and was a registered voter that he would be okay, but he was visibly nervous and hesitant.

At an apartment complex last night, one woman opened her door and when she realized I was there about voting, seemed very excited to see me.  She asked me to please come into her house with her.  She needed some specific help about voting.  I saw that she was moving slowly and was handicapped.  As I entered her home I sat at the dining room table, noticing that there was not another stick of furniture to be seen anywhere.  She explained that she was new to Orlando and only in her home 1 month.

Her concern was that the last time she had voted (in another state) she had had a terrible experience.  The polling location had not been handicap accessible, so simply getting into the polling location had been a taxing experience.  Then she had gotten very confused about the ballot and was afraid she had voted incorrectly.  I was able to sit with her for a few minutes as she pulled out her absentee ballot, and I was able to show her how to read it, starting at the top of each column and moving down….even explaining to her about filling in the ovals.  Of course I left her to complete her ballot without me, but she was visibly relieved and appreciative to have this simple explanation.

I'm very happy to be helping in my small way, but the experience has taught me some important things.  I think that we often only think about the inconvenience of having to make it to the polling station on Election Day, but for many Americans it seems that much more is involved in the process.  And for many, it is truly an act of courage to show up and be counted.