Today’s Task – April 26, 2022

If you want to improve your student leader’s growth levels, you need to create a culture that promotes leadership reproduction.  When you do that, developing leaders can become the norm.  In contrast, in an organizational culture where reproduction is not a priority, you will quickly suffer from a scarcity of student leaders.  To develop a reproducing culture, author and leadership expert John Maxwell suggests that you need these five expectations in place:
  1. The leader of the team is the primary culture carrier.  You must model it, nurture it, monitor it, and incentivize it.
  2. Everyone is expected to mentor someone.  A leadership development culture is modeled from the top, but it is grown from the bottom up.
  3. Leaders focus on developing leaders, not recruiting followers.  Leaders who focus on recruiting followers are actually shrinking their organization, not expanding it.
  4. People are continually growing themselves out of their jobs.  One of the key transitions to becoming a reproducer of leaders is to focus less on what you can accomplish personally and more on what you can accomplish through others.
  5. Leaders become more than mentors….they become sponsors.  A mentor helps and guides you by pouring into you.  But a sponsor actually opens doors for you so that you can walk through them to be successful.
Today, no every day, I encourage you to create a culture that promotes leadership reproduction.  Mentoring someone to become a better person and leader is tremendous, but don’t just mentor your students.  Open doors for them so that they can become successful leaders.  Just sayin’!
Make Today a Magnificent Day!
Gary L Rupert
Culture Strategist/Mentor
II:Leaders Creating:II Leaders
LCL Mentors @ Marching Arts Education