
WGI Videos, Interviews, and Webinars

We give you access to the top designers, instructors, and marchers in Winter Guard International.  Behind the scenes videos, interviews, and podcasts from Rehearsals and Performances!

Mickey Kelly on the Skylarks

We remember Mickey Kelly by resharing this conversation with Jeff Namian about one of the most important guards in the early years of WGI.

Latrice Royale

Latrice Royale, one of the most-loved queens from Rupaul's Drag Race, is legendary for using Color Guard in her performances!  Latrice and guest Tim Lee discuss her guard background and her use of color guard in her shows, plus answer questions from fans!

Pushing the Envelope

Robert Jordan and Vance Anderson are both innovators and influencers with great work on social media, international outreach, and trying to grow the art of color guard far beyond the "box" of marching band and WGI.  

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