
Winds Videos, Webinars, and Podcasts

Cavaliers Brass Staff

What they look for in those trying out for the Cavaliers, recorded at the Cavaliers Master Class Experience.

CrownBrass 2019 January Camp Episode 4

On Episode 4, Brass Caption Supervisor Matt Harloff explains the focus of the Saturday rehearsals, we see Breathing Gym exercises, mouthpiece work for tone quality, and a camp wrap-up.  A valuable look behind the curtain of how these critical concepts are first taught as the 2019 season begins at January Camp.

CrownBrass 2019 January Camp Episode 3

On Episode 3, Brass Caption Supervisor Matt Harloff and his talented staff begin teaching 9 count tones and lip slur exercises. A valuable look behind the curtain of how these critical concepts are first taught as the 2019 season begins at January Camp.

CrownBrass 2019 January Camp Episode 1

Go behind the scenes and see how Brass Caption Supervisor Matt Harloff and his talented staff begin the 2019 season at the Carolina Crown January camp.  Important concepts are explained, critical routines are established, the tone for the year is set!  On Episode 1 we find out the goals for the camp, see the corps learn how to set up the arc correctly, and see ice breaker exercises to help the corps get to know each other.

Ask The CrownBrass Expert 1

Matt Harloff, the Brass Caption Supervisor at Carolina Crown, answers questions and shares the techniques he uses to consistently create one of DCI's top hornlines.

658: Timing

Clif Walker shares techniques for teaching and improving the timing of your ensemble.

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