If You’re Bored, Make A Change

“To be bored in today’s world is nonsensical.  The whole planet is exploding with interesting ideas, interesting people, and interesting events.  Never before has so much music, art, and great entertainment been available.  New books and interesting magazines are everywhere.  Radio and television are in every home. To be bored takes a good deal of doing, and a large segment of the population is doing the doing that causes boredom.”

I have always found these words inspiring, written by Raymond Charles Barker in The Power of Decision back in 1968!  How much MORE entertainment and opportunities are available today!

We live in wondrous times and are surrounded by interesting opportunities, but it’s easy to fall into boredom.  Endless scrolling and long hours of binging can make us lethargic.  We need to TAKE ACTION!

Don’t sit around, but be creative. Start something new!  Join a club, try out a new sport, take up a new hobby.

My father was always engaged in some interesting activity or hobby.  He would move easily from painting to making things of wood, to working around the yard or playing his banjo, to building model trains or making stained glass lamps.  With perspective I have realized that he simply found enjoyment in the activities and didn’t concern himself with how accomplished he was.  He just enjoyed doing it.

We live in a time where we are told that to participate in some activity, you have to be great at it.  We are told: Don’t take up painting unless you can one day have an exhibition.  Don’t bake if you can’t start to sell your cakes.  This is nonsense.  My father loved to paint, even though his “happy little trees” might be lopsided or off kilter.  He just loved the process, and I really appreciate this.

People suggest that I sell my baked goods, but this would change the tone of the experience.  I enjoy the baking and the sharing.  It doesn’t have to be perfect for people to smile and enjoy my gesture.

There is no reason to be bored.  Don’t sit and watch TV or scroll on your phone.  Get up and do something active, go to a new place, read a new book, start a new hobby.  Stroll around Michaels and buy some crafty supplies. Make a mess and spend an hour doing something new.  This is good for you!  Don’t try to be great, just enjoy the doing!

Tim Hinton

February 26, 2024

Picture is me with my dad in Feb. 2020 out and about at a Georgia Tech Basketball Game

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