Seeing the Best in Everyone

This week I had three different conversations about the genius and generosity of Robert W. Smith.  So many are grieving the loss of this exceptional man, and I had the great honor of hosting and releasing three podcasts about his life and legacy.

A common theme throughout every conversation was Robert’s remarkable ability to see the potential in people, and then to inspire and encourage that person to fulfill it!  Person after person described how Robert saw something in themselves that they perhaps did not even realize, and then he brought his incredible talent and energy to help them bring their own gifts forward.

Each person described that part of their motivation was that they did not want to disappoint this man who believed in them so fully!  And then, Robert would offer everything he had, every connection and talent, to help them succeed.  What a remarkable legacy!

In a time when we seem to be looking for the worst in those around us, Robert was a clear, shining example of what is possible.  He demonstrated, over and over, what happened when he inspired and encouraged someone to rise to their potential.  I hope you’ll take time to listen to these podcasts on Monday at the Marching Roundtable and hear these stories.  These conversations prove that Robert’s influence and legacy will continue.  How wonderful to be encouraged to fulfill our potential and help others by the incredible example of his life.

Tim Hinton

October 7, 2023

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