Training Makes Life Better

We’ve all had this experience: we are standing in line at a fast food restaurant or coffee shop and the person behind the counter is struggling.  They are slow, or don’t seem to know what they are doing, and we can see their co-workers get as frustrated as we are.  At times like these I think, “This person needs training.”

Rather than get mad at the person, I feel bad for them, for they have not been taught to do their job well.  Someone neglected to take the time to explain things, practice their new duties, and give them mastery over their new job.

In contrast, we have each also had the wonderful experience of being in a store and asking someone where we could find an item we are looking for.  How lovely when they say “Let me show you where that is” and walk you there to save you the time.  This person has had great training.  Someone took the time to teach them this personal interaction skill, and I’m always thankful for this.

No matter what we are involved with in life, we need training, and we need to make sure those around us have good training also.  Whether having the skill to toss a rifle in the air or say hello to a new guest at a B&B, knowing the best way to do something to create a great experience for everyone is a great feeling.

When you watch an impressive musical or athletic performance, remember that hours of training went into this accomplishment.  Be thankful for the coach or instructor who shared their expertise and time to make this possible.  Great training is on display.

During the holidays, there are often seasonal workers added at stores, and the quality of training can suffer.  So I encourage everyone to be patient and remember that the worker is often not at fault.  They simply don’t have the training they need.

In my own life, I enjoy feeling accomplished and prepared for the task at hand.  Taking the time for training makes me feel more confident and better about myself.  Whether we need to seek out a class or simply turn on a YouTube video, getting the training we need makes life better for everyone.  Taking the time for training and to learn new skills makes our life better, and the lives of all those around us.  Take the time to learn how to do things correctly.  You’ll be glad you did.

Tim Hinton

December 7, 2023

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