Don’t Burn Bridges

Don’t burn bridges!  This is important advice for anyone in any situation.  No matter how upset you may feel, take a breath and resist the temptation to lash out.

The world is really more connected than we realize, especially these days with the internet and social media.  I realize more and more each day that relationships matter more than most anything else.  The connections we build with others on all levels are hugely important.

In my life in the marching arts, I am always astounded that everyone seems to be connected.  Like most professions, we are all only a step or two from a connection.  Someone I work with in one situation likely went to school or has worked with someone in the next situation.  It’s a small world after all!

If you treat someone badly, don’t follow through on a commitment, or do bad work, this will follow you.  Your reputation for behavior and attitude is critical to your success.  Not only will your next client likely find out how things went in previous situations, but the reputation of your work will be discussed.

Many times in my career I have been frustrated by a situation.  But whenever possible, have been appreciative for the opportunity, left with a hand shake and a thank you, and moved on.  I’ve often been surprised when, years later, I end up working again with someone who I struggled with before.  Either they or I may have changed, or the situation allows us to do better the next time.

There have been situations where the client goes radio silent and I can’t leave with a hand shake and thank you.  I often don’t even know exactly what happened, but clearly things did not go well and they will not communicate.  Even then, I send a thank you email so that I can go on record as trying to do the right thing.  You just never know when you may be reconnected in some way.

Adopt an attitude of gratitude in all situations and leave with a hand shake and a thank you.  Remember that we are all connected.  You will likely encounter and work with people again, in ways you can’t anticipate.  Never burn bridges.  All relationships will follow you, even when they seem to end.

Tim Hinton

November 26, 2023

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