Teaching Marching Band Movement
Manny Maldonado, Katie Hopkins, and Conrad Isenhour share concepts and practical suggestions to help you improve the skills of your group.
Manny Maldonado, Katie Hopkins, and Conrad Isenhour share concepts and practical suggestions to help you improve the skills of your group.
Everything you need to teach your students to move correctly and safely is now available in a new online resource.
Noah Bellamy takes you through the building blocks he has found successful as a teacher and drill designer for developing visual fundamentals.
How to plan for flexibility in your fall show and keep your students engaged and prepared for the season.
Peter Beckhart explains the most effective methods to train for, plan for, and implement smart design choices through coordinated drill and choreography.
Andy Ebert shares tips you can use when planning your drill design, plus insider secrets to help you implement the design with your group to maximize the effect of the show!
Michael Gaines, Leon May, and Jeff Sacktig help you figure out the right path to make this career possible.
Tim Newburn shares practical information about what intervals to use, step size and flow, integration, and equipment transitions.
Uniform guru Michael Cesario of FJM, Inc. talks about the design of The Cavaliers uniforms for 2019 and why the cut, style, and colors make all the men look so great.
Greg Lagola talks about the uniform design for "The Bluecoats" including the use of multiple colors and patterns, plus how choices were made to allow this all to blend and bring such joy to the field!