Today’s Task – July 10, 2022

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.  I think T.S. Eliot was right when he said this.  I didn’t know if could run a marathon, until the risk led to the reward.  I didn’t know if I could make it at a Division I music school, until the risk led to the reward.  The truth is, even with the greatest of planning, we never know….until we take the risk.

In my forty years as a band director and a sports coach, I have seen too many young people who have no idea how far they can go because they never push their limits.  Perhaps it is fear of failure, but for me, the failure isn’t in trying and not achieving, but in failing to not try at all.  I always told my students that I would rather they make an error of commission, than omission.  Trying and failing is good.  Failing because you didn’t try….not so much!
Today, no every day, I encourage you to help your students to test their limits.  Help them to see that most limits are self-imposed and that they have the power to remove those limits.  I suspect they will need a bit of a safety net and that is where you come in.  Let them know they have the freedom to try….and fail.  After all, the only way to know if you can go further….is to go further.  Just sayin’!
Make Today a Magnificent Day!
Gary L Rupert
Lead Mentor/COO
II:Leaders Creating:II Leaders
LCL Mentors @ Marching Arts