Today’s Task – July 27, 2022

“Great teachers have an uncanny ability to make an imprint deep within a student that goes beyond the teaching of book knowledge.  In fact, great teachers leave their mark so profoundly that their ideas reappear in your consciousness at the times either when you least expect them or when you need them most.  Great teachers not only teach you factual things, but they are able to influence your very center.  The irony of study with such persons remains in the fact that, at the time, you have no idea what a profound influence they are having upon your being.”
The above, taken from James Jordan’s The Musician’s Soul, long served as a driving force in my teaching.  Oh sure, I wanted to play great music and have people recognize my programs for their ability to perform, but as I matured as an educator, I realized it was more important to have a profound impact on the lives of my students.  Yes, we need excellence in performance, but we need excellence in living more because music is a product of living.
Today, no every day, I encourage you to consider the value of the words above.  I don’t know if I will ever be considered a great teacher.  I would like to think I had a profound impact on my students; that in times when they least expect it or need it the most, they remember the life lessons I tried to teach them.  As Westminster Choir College educator Elaine Brown once said, “What it comes down to as conductors, or ministers, or teachers, or parents of children….we need to do a very simple thing.  And that is to care more.”
Make Today a Magnificent Day!
Gary L Rupert
Lead Mentor/COO
II:Leaders Creating:II Leaders
LCL Mentors @ Marching Arts Education