Today’s Task – June 14, 2022

My first teaching experience was as a long-term sub for a lady on maternity leave.  The first thing I did was ask her for the names of her student leaders AND the most challenging member of the band.  When I met with the students, I told them they were there because I wanted to meet with the leaders of the band.  I could see the look on the young man’s face as he pondered why HE was there. I paired the kids and gave them each something to do, making sure that I paired with the young man in question.  As we spent the day working together, we were able to develop a positive relationship.  Instead of being a challenge, he became a solid band member who I could depend on.
Want to measure the culture of your band?  Don’t just talk to the kids who do ridiculous things like get straight A’s, practice all the time, and are completely committed to band.  You need to know what is happening with the kids on the other end of the spectrum.  What concerns them?  What would they like to see changed?  What would make the experience more engaging for them?  Spend some quality time with them doing anything, and you just might gain some insights and develop a relationship that will change a challenge into an asset.
Today, no every day, I encourage you to consider how you can engage the most challenging kids in your program.  It is pretty rare that you would meet the needs of the disengaged by using the same tools you use to engage those who are already committed.  That being said, it really isn’t that hard to help the disengaged to become engaged.  We just need to be attentive to what they are saying and feeling.  It is all about building a positive relationship!  Just sayin’!
Make Today a Magnificent Day!
Gary L Rupert
Lead Mentor/COO
II:Leaders Creating:II Leaders
LCL Mentors @ Marching Arts Education