Today’s Task – May 12, 2022

It was 6 AM and I was on my way to school.  I am not sure what made me glance to my left, but there, all curled up on the steps of a church, was one of my students.  I quickly pulled over to see what was going on.  He told me had argued with his Dad the night before and was thrown out.  With no place to go, he ultimately found himself trying to stay warm and sleep on the front porch of the church.  I made him get in my car and took him to school.  I took him to the band room, got him something to eat, and gave him some blankets and told him to try to get some sleep.
In everyone’s life there are defining moments and for this young man, THIS was one of them.  Fast forward somewhere around 25 years and I had the good fortune of running into him for the first time since he graduated from high school.  As we exchanged pleasantries and our excitement over seeing each other, he said to me, “I will never forget the morning you took care of me.  That meant the world to me.”  At that moment, I was almost reduced to tears.  You see, not only was it a defining moment for him, it was also one for me.  I had two sons of my own, and I couldn’t possibly imagine “throwing one of them out.”  That moment….that shared experience so many years ago….shook me to the core.
Today, no every day, I encourage you to remember that every decision you make on behalf of your students has the opportunity to become a defining moment.  That morning I was fortunate to be in the right place, at the right time, to help one of my students in need.  When I stepped in to help, I wasn’t thinking beyond his immediate needs.  Little did I know that it would be a life changing moment…for both of us.  Just sayin’!
Make Today a Magnificent Day!
Gary L Rupert
Culture Strategist/Mentor
II:Leaders Creating:II
LCL Mentors @ Marching Arts Education