Exclusive Videos from Carolina Crown 2017 Spring Training

Carolina Crown 2017 First Impact First Recording
Free Access to this video!  Your first look at the 2017 Carolina Crown!  Matt Harloff of CrownBRASS shares the first official recording of the first show impact!


Carolina Crown 2017 Brass Videos from Spring Training
Free Access to these video!  Your first look at the 2017 Carolina Crown!  Watch Matt Harloff and the staff of CrownBRASS work with the hornline as they train the members during Spring Training.  Videos feature breathing exercises and Brass Warm-ups. Learn from the very best!


TUNING – Just Intonation – Matt Harloff
WATCH NOW! Tuning any fundamental pitch is one thing, but tuning intervals and chords are a completely different thing.  Check out this MUST SEE educational video for all marching arts directors & staff. Learn & see demonstrations explaining “Just Intonation” and how it can upgrade your program. This video features CrownBRASS as a demonstration group … learn the exercises they use which can be applied to any level ensemble and can help your students play chords better in tune.  Explanations & demonstrations are taken from the Marching Band method book: Inside the Circle: A Proven Method for a Successful Marching Band written by Matt & Ben Harloff.

Circle Drill – Spring Training – Matt Harloff
WATCH NOW! Welcome to part 1 of a progressive series from Inside the CrownBRASS circle.  The intention of these videos is to show progress throughout a season not from the performance but from rehearsals.  These videos will give you access to rehearsals from the beginning of the season as well as middle and end of the season.  If you are NOT familiar with the exercise Circle Drill, these videos are for you.  Watch CrownBRASS in rehearsal all season and see the progress from spring training throughout the year and into finals week.  Learn from the CrownBRASS staff, receive explanations taken straight from the marching band methods book: Inside the Circle: A Proven Method for a Successful Marching Band. Watch Matt Harloff give a video analysis of the circle drill & learn what to watch & listen for as well as receive rehearsal ideas for your program.

BREATHE DAH – Matt Harloff
WATCH NOW! Arguably the most important educational video for your program … the secret behind CrownBRASS which can be applied to any level of ensemble is Breathe DAH.  Learn about the program created by DCI Hall of Fame members Donnie VanDoren & Jim Prime … the masterminds behind the Garfield Cadets & Star of Indiana.  Watch CrownBRASS in action as they work to master this technique program that helps them create that standard setting clarity in performance.  Learn from the CrownBRASS staff, receive explanations taken straight from the marching band methods book: Inside the Circle: A Proven Method for a Successful Marching Band.   Learn from Matt Harloff as he gives a video analysis of Breathe DAH & learn what to watch and listen for as well as receive rehearsal ideas for your program.

The Method of Release – Matt Harloff
Learn about a consistent approach to releasing the note that is easy to understand and can be applied to your ensembles.  Watch CrownBRASS in action & learn how they create those breathtaking releases in performances.  Learn from the CrownBRASS staff, receive explanations taken straight from the marching band methods book: Inside the Circle: A Proven Method for a Successful Marching Band written by Matt & Ben Harloff.   Learn from Matt Harloff as he gives a video analysis of the release technique & learn what to watch and listen for as well as receive rehearsal ideas for your program.

Matt Harloff & Michael Klesch: Inside the Circle – How It All Starts
WATCH NOW! One of the most important parts to building a successful marching program happens BEFORE you play the first note.  Join Michael Klesch and Matt Harloff as they not only look back at the very beginning of CrownBRASS, but also the importance os starting out each and every marching season.  Learn the Klesch/Harloff methods to attention to detail that can help your students raise their level of expectation that can transfer to the marching field