Tailor Your Physical Training Program To Your Goals

Sports Performance Guru Derek Hessing worked with The Bluecoats this summer and brings his expertise to explain the SAID Principle (Specific Adaptation To Imposed Demands.)  Make sure the warmups and physical training program you use with your members are perfectly suited to the demands of the show they are marching.

Ask the Head of CrownBrass

Sound more like CrownBrass!  Matt Harloff and his incredible team of instructors at Carolina Crown just won their seventh Jim Ott Trophy for Top Hornline at DCI!  Matt talks about the process, special challenges for this year's show, plus answers questions about the foghorn exercise, teaching volume, his process with Michael Klesch, inspiration, articulation, and creating a culture of self-movitation.

Built to Compete –Concept to Field for Full Band

How do the great band programs get their show from idea to execution? How do they assemble and refine their productions to achieve maximum impact?  Ben Maughmer and Van Mathews, directors of the 2007 Grand National Champion LD Bell HS marching band take you inside their tried and true rehearsal strategies used to ensure successful learning and performance outcomes for the marching band.

2019-09-20T10:33:50-04:00By |Categories: Courses, Free, Marching Arts Education|Tags: , , |

Marching Health: Dynamic Warmup #1

Train Smarter.  Avoid Injury.  Perform Better.  This is the mission of Dr. Elliot Cleveland, a Doctor of Physical Therapy who shares practical warmups in this video that you can use with your group today.  Dynamic warmups, as opposed to traditional static stretching, have proven to help students avoid injury and move better.

Drumline Battle: Old Bridge Elementary Drumline

The Old Bridge Elementary Drumline made history by participating in the 2019 DCI Drumline Battle at the World Championships in Indy. See interviews with the directors, parents, and even students in the drumline, plus video of their performances. It's inspiring what these 5th grade students can achieve!

FMBC 2019 Summer Directors Meeting Interviews

Why bring students to a DCI show? How can directors correctly interpret which parts of the innovative DCI activity to adopt for their own program?  Tim talks with directors at the FMBC Summer Directors Meeting about the new venue for FMBC Championships this Fall, plus conversations about listening to judges tapes, show administration, and motivating students.

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